Thursday, February 27, 2014

Describing Ashley

My friend Ashley is short and has a horrible temper. Sometimes it's very funny and other times it's kind of embarrassing. She's super short, maybe 5'1" and a ginger to top it off. She's thin, with medium length hair and freckles. She's super funny until she gets mad. I've thankfully never been on the receiving end of her anger stick. She's a very artsy music type. She's very good at random doodles and little sketches. She can play a violin beautifully. She's very smart and a hard worker. Which is why I think she gets so angry and people who are slow at work. Or just not so bright. She loves cats. LOVES CATS.

My friend Ashley is short and has a horrible temper. Sometimes it's very funny and other times it's kind of embarrassing. She's super short, maybe 5'1" and a ginger to top it off. She's thin, with medium length hair and freckles. She's super funny until she gets mad. I've thankfully never been on the receiving end of her anger stick. She's a very artsy music type. She's very good at random doodles and little sketches. She can play a violin beautifully. She's very smart and a hard worker. Which is why I think she gets so angry and people who are slow at work. Or just not so bright. She loves cats. LOVES CATS.

My friend Ashley's pertains to the fun size division in height with an anger like an exploding volcano. Sometimes an exploding volcano can be a spectacle to witness, while other times you are best to shy away. She pertains to the fun sized committee so well her packaging is 5'1" in length, with red soul eating powers inside. She sports a slender physique, with hair cut to the middle of her shoulders, and sun spots on her face. Her humor can be described as comical, until the volcano erupts. Thankfully, the explosions seem to never hit me. She loves things that carry a long with the nature of the Mona Lisa painting, as well as Beethoven's sympathizes. A master of the circular art on the edge of a paper along with light graphite to canvas she can create. Her knowledge of the strumming strings of an instrument you play with upon your shoulders can only be described as breath taking. Her intellectual levels are high, and her occupational skills are outstanding. Which sometimes creates the eruption upon people of a stature less quick. Or with an intelligence level of a hamster. Her adoration of felines marvels that of Romeo and Juliet. FELINE ADORATION MARVELS ROMEO AND JULIET. A person of that variety.

Friday, February 14, 2014


I believe in home. I believe in the power home has. If your home is cluttered and dirty, you will feel very lethargic and sad. If it is clean you will feel like you have more energy and you will be happier. Home defines who you are. You learn in a home, from wherever you grew up. Even if it's negative things you still learned.   If people come over and see your house is messy they will think you are gross. But if your house is too clean your ocd or a perfectionist. If you have too much stuff your a hoarder, too less and your poor. Home has power that a lot of people don't realize.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mind map-Family goals

Family goals. In order for me to achieve my goals and for my growth as a person I need to work on seeing my family more and making my family more important. My boyfriend and I live together and see each other everyday. With him I need to work on patience because sometimes he can drive absolutely crazy. We also need to work on actual hobbies with each other and getting out of the house. I am very thankful however that we have a excellent trust and excellent communication skills. With my parents I need to put more time into seeing them. I only see my dad twice a year around the holidays. I think I need to try to see him a couple more times a year. My mother and I are fine with seeing each other. I could benefit from going over there more often and trying to stay calmer with her. She's got a short temper and at times can be too much to handle. But she is my mother and I love her. With my siblings I feel like we need to go do more stuff together. My sister had a baby so it is sometimes hard to figure out what to go do with her that my niece could go do with us. My brothers game for anything but he's a social bug and likes being out with his friends way more than running around with me. I also want work towards future family goals with my boyfriend. Like keeping the house cleaner. Cooking at home more. Becoming less selfish, less needy. Trying not to pick fights and fighting less. All of these things I think would benefit me more in the long run.