Monday, January 27, 2014

Jellyfish suck

Jellyfish suck. If you've ever been stung by one I am sorry and I feel your pain. When I was around the age of ten, my family and I lived in Georgetown, South Carolina. It's about Forty-five minutes away from Myrtle Beach. We went there all the time when I was a kid and I loved it. Out of all the times we went there their was only one time that made me terrified to go again, all because of a jellyfish. We would always find dead jellyfish washed up on the shore and my cousins and I would poke them with driftwood and bury them. Other that that we never really touched them. My aunt told us that dead jellyfish can't sting you because they don't have anymore poison in their arm things. I still to this day don't know if that's true or if it goes away after a couple of days but I found out the hard way that they still have poison in them. One day when we were out playing my little brother had gotten mad at me. I think I dunked him or I threw sand at him. I don't remember what I did but I made him mad. So he grabbed a jellyfish by the top of it and threw it at me. It felt like I was hit by a brick and I was fighting back tears. I looked down at my leg and it had already started to swell and bruise terribly. I had to run over to where my mom and my sister were to show her, then she took us straight home. Which really sucked because I believe we were only there for an hour. When we got home she put a whole bunch of meat tenderizer on my leg. Urine is best for it because it takes the sting right out. But I wasn't going to let anyone pee on my leg. I still had the scar from it all the way up until I was about Fifteen. If I try really hard I can find an outline of it but most of it gone due to growing. I like the ocean again now, but it took me a couple trips before I would swim or do anything close to the water again.

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